You have a chance to dump your food scraps while helping local farmers and our community. Are you tired of tossing food scraps and waste straight into the landfill? Give it to us - Partner with Unlikely Farms to save over 1,560 gallons of food scraps from being sent to the dump each year. We will take your food scraps and compost them for our urban farm; We are located in the Hunters Ridge Town Homes in the Hillsborough North Neighborhood of Louisville, CO You can quickly become a part of regenerating soils, capturing and cycling harmful greenhouse gases by dumping your food scraps in one of our compost bins. Once your bin is full, drop it off at Unlikely Farm's doorstep, then grab your new clean compost bin. Partnering with us is an excellent way for you to easily be a part of the local and global solution while having an immediate and positive impact on our community. JOIN NOW - our first goal is to remove 15-20 gal of food scraps per week. We only need a handful of people willing to join the compost program, but then we can scale up from there.
You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app